Thursday 7 November 2013


A: So (.) first off (.) in the kind of (.) mostly (.) top right hand corner (.) it is like a circle with a dot in it (.) which is a tough one (.)

B: Got it(.) next?

A: Er, there also is (.) it looks like an hourglass (.) with no line in the bottom (.) and square sides (.) er (3) there's three triangles (.) with the bottom of the triangle 

B: There?

A: no-no not there, er (10) I probably shouldn't look at what you're drawing Okay, so there is like an x with (.) top left sides and right sides (.) ok (.) you got that?

B: Y-yeah I got it.

A: Then (.) there is a star in it (.) like a little star right in the middle (.) a five pointed star (4)

B: o-k...

A: And that is like above the top right (.) of the hourglass (.) and at the bottom right quadrant (.) is a curvy line (paralinguistic) (.) and if you start from the bottom left (.) go across (.) round left on its self (3) it is like (.) er (.) It is like a really swollen thumb (.)

A: Got that.

B: That should be it then. 

End of transcription. 

This task that had taken place with Isaac and I had plenty of pauses and a few paralinguistic features, however, the lack of eye contact and visual information had made it even more of a struggle as I could not see what was being said, I was only allowed to listen to the instructions. Isaac had thoroughly communicated with me in the duration of the task, with no eye contact. Isaac mentions in the transcription ''Got it?'' This immediately implies that the lack of eye contact and visual information had confused Isaac and I's imaginations, because he could not have known how my drawing had turn out to be, until the very end. However I had clearly interpreted Isaac's instructions by understanding the structures of his sentences and instructions. There were a few fillers and throughout the whole duration, there was turn-taking - during the whole time of the task, there had been no overlapping speeches, so I gave Isaac his turn to express his instructions towards me. Although there were certain times that I was unsure of what to draw and replied in a non confident way. For example, ''O-k...'' I had thoroughly sounded out the word 'Ok' to show that I was slightly confused, but I had got there in the end. The outcome of this task had become much successful, however, not identical. There were a few mistakes with the hourglass instructions. 

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