Monday 23 September 2013


A Girl by Ezra Pound
The tree has entered my hands, 
The sap has ascended my arms, 
The tree has grown in my breast- 
The branches grow out of me, like arms. 

Tree you are, 
Moss you are, 
You are violets with wind above them. 
A child - so high - you are, 

And all this is folly to the world.

This famous poem as an outstanding type of meaning, as well as using all sorts of punctuation, such as the hyphen '-' The way the writer creates this is by making it seem as if it is a comma, however they had removed the comma and included a hyphen to create a strong affect during the duration when you are reading the poem orally. The meaning of this unique poem, I presume, is about an individual, who is an ordinary human that is slowly transferring into a tree, due to the fact that one part of the poem includes ''The branches grow out of me, like arms'' meaning that the branches are creating an affect as if it is her own arms. Additionally, the writer also includes 'tree you are' which suggests that she is referring herself as a tree, rather than a human being. 

Also, the different type of frameworks are included, such as as including a range of different terminology. The type of grammar, as well as the syllable is similar to a type of register, which is called Frozen Register. This is because the way it is sounded out is different to the way individuals speak in our society today. Also, a type of personification is included within this poem. I assume this because the writer is referring to 'A Girl' as a tree by saying 'The tree has entered my hands' which makes me suggest that the tree is spreading all over her body, to transfer from a human being, to something that isn't human nor is it alive.

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