Sunday 29 September 2013


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Throughout the duration of my time browsing through the internet, I witnessed this rather interesting topic that I would never have thought of publishing. After hours and hours of searching a blog, I finally found an interesting topic which will hopefully engage YOU, my readers.

This topic had been taken out from the blog called 'The Verge' which, I presume, is a hit blog. One topic that caught my eye instantly was about Apples state-of-the-art, unique new software named the iOS 7. The use of rhetorical questions within the heading, which is written in a rather huge font, included with bold writing in order to entice the reader to realise the way the old software hugely differs from the new iOS 7 software. ''iOS 7 apps are prettier, but are they better?'' Who knows...

The type of font, as well as the writing gives a graphologic meaning in reference to the readers - meaning how the design of a text can contribute to a meaning including use of fonts, graphics, colours, etc. 

Additionally, one other thing caught my eye too. Not only the way the writing has been written visually and graphologically, but the words used throughout the topic on the blog gives other peoples' intellectual minds to reconsider about how others orally talk about the brand new design on Apple. ''a few new apps prove that beauty doesn't have to be skin deep'' What this blog is directly trying to address to us is that we all realise visually about how the new iOS 7 is laid out, e.g the new image of the apps, it illustrates the beauty of the new iOS 7, which you can not compare to a human being. Hence the term 'Skin deep'.

Personally, there are a range of different techniques I would use on my blog, that is on the verge's blog. The use of deep meanings throughout the subheading is one that I will publish more often within my blog. 

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