Tuesday 20 January 2015


E.gs of words that have gone through semantic change/shifting.

  • 'Lean' (adj)
Etymologic meaning: "thin, spare, with little flesh or fat," c.1200, from Old English hlæne

Firstly, I explored the term 'lean' in which, historically means a person who is seen as thin, emanciated and is deprived of a certain amount of fat in the body - which may be considered unhealthy in today's society. As you look at this word and compare it with today's meaning, 'lean' has ameliorated its meaning completely by taking on to a more positive meaning, as lean now means someone who is considered as healthy, muscular and in some cases, the word has a contribution with the meat type of lean. In today's meaning, lean has taken on more positive connotations and could be a field-specific lexis in terms of healthy eating, dieting and variety of food specific words, whereas with the etymological meaning it was considered someone who was food deprived.

  • Novice
Original meaning: A member of religious  order who has not taken vows yet.
Although this word is still used for the same meaning, the word has slightly broadened by using it for many different types of institution rather than religious institutions. for example, you may say that a person is very novice in the engineering industry, as they may have had little or no experience in that particular industry, therefore this word has broadened due to the usage for many other places rather than just religious orders. 
  • Revolutionary
Broadening and amelioration
in the etymology dictionary, the term revolutionary meant someone who favors overthrowing an argument, and in today's contemporary meaning, it means involving or causing a complete or dramatic change, therefore it has broadened. Also it has taken a more positive meaning because now it means starting a revolution for political reasons.

  • Lewd
original meaning: having an official position in the church
Now in todays meaning the term lewd means: crude and offensive in a sexual way. As you can see this term as perjorated as it has taken a more negative meaning through offense and insults in a sexual way, rather than having a position in a church, which may be seen as a type of positional power, rather than insults.

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